Transparency portal



You don't change banks or asset managers. This principle is crumbling. Because switching is increasingly worthwhile for customers. In 2023 alone, more clients switched asset managers than ever before.

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Receive your individual offers from banks and asset managers free of charge.


Compare your asset management


Performance comparison

How good are the returns on your asset management?

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Provider comparison

What rating does your bank/asset manager have?

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Cost comparison

What are the fair costs for your asset management?

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Planning pays of

What does your wealth planning look like?

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Find the best offers

Liquidity portfolios

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Value preservation portfolios

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Investment portfolios

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Private market portfolios

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Pension portfolios

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Portfolios with virtual assets

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Sustainability portfolios

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Distributing portfolios

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Real estate portfolios

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250 million more for Wealth Office clients

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What clients are currently seeking

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If you have any questions, please contact Wealth Officer .


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