Wealth Office Conference 2024
Over 130 participants met at the Wealth Office Conference 2024 for the annual exchange of ideas. As a highlight, the best 23 banks and wealth managers presented their top offerings. The audience chose the three best.

Once a year, the wealth office community meets in Zurich to exchange ideas. This year, over 130 wealth officers, banks, asset managers and clients met for two days of panel discussions and pitch contests. As in the previous year, the best banks and wealth managers were able to present their top offerings in 5-minute pitches. The best three offerings were chosen by audience vote.
Day 1: What customers want
The first day was characterized by panel discussions. The participants learned from wealth management clients what they really want, expect, complain about and value. 'Our own clients are usually reluctant to give direct and honest feedback. This made the direct impressions of clients all the more interesting,' summarizes Patrick Müller, CEO of ZWEI Wealth.
Overall, the discussions showed that clients continue to attach great importance to service quality and personal advice. However, anyone who forgets the hard aspects such as performance, costs and freedom of choice will clearly lose credibility with clients.

Day 2: 23 pitches of the best offers
The second day of the conference was all about the best offers from banks and asset managers. 23 institutions were pre-selected by ZWEI Wealth and were able to present their best offers. In so-called pitches of 5 minutes, the aim was to win the favor of the audience. The audience voted after each presentation.

The excitement peaked when the three offers with the greatest audience response were chosen at the end. "There's no question that all the offers presented are among the best that wealth management has to offer," noted Cyrill Moser, Head Provider Management at ZWEI Wealth, before the ranking was announced. The 'World Stars' offering from J. Stern & Co., a London-based asset manager, came out on top in the public's favor. It was followed in second place by the 'Equity Smart Selection' portfolio from OLZ, an asset manager from Bern, which was launched exclusively on the occasion of the conference. Lapis Asset Management from Lugano was also very popular with the public and came in third place with its dividend portfolio.
ZWEI Wealth would like to congratulate the public winners as well as all the other banks and asset managers who have shown what makes the best wealth management offerings.
Everyone can order an individualized list of the best offers for themselves
Anyone who missed the conference or who has developed an appetite for good wealth management can easily order an individualized list of the best offers without any obligation: here. A wealth officer will help explain and make a selection.
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