Value preservation portfolios
Portfolios that are geared towards general value preservation over a medium-term investment horizon. Risk management and diversification are important components of the portfolios.
183 offers available
Overview of the best offers
Below you will find the details of the best offers for asset management in this portfolio category. The table shows the returns, risk ratios and costs of the best offers compared to others. The names of the offers are neutralized because the offers only apply to individualized offers via ZWEI Wealth. The calculations and details below are based on a portfolio size of CHF 1 million. The offers and prices vary according to the size and type of assets.

Caption: 1=completely unsatisfactory / 2=insufficient / 3=sufficient / 4=very good / 5=excellent
Historical return of the offers (2015-2023)

Risk/return ratio of the best offers

Costs of the best offers

Assessment of the offers

Caption: 1=completely unsatisfactory / 2=insufficient / 3=sufficient / 4=very good / 5=excellent
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