10 years of ZWEI Wealth - the revolution in wealth management continues
While UBS is taking over CS under the critical gaze of the public, many private banks are struggling to survive and advisors are being shuffled between banks, a start-up company in Switzerland has developed into a relevant player, unnoticed by the masses, and has revolutionized wealth management with its innovations. Yesterday, ZWEI Wealth celebrated its 10th anniversary with 250 guests. The event took place in the presence of founders Klaus Wellershoff and Patrick Müller and was hosted by Dirk Schütz, Editor-in-Chief of Bilanz. Further growth steps are planned for ZWEI Wealth in the coming year

ZWEI Wealth was founded in 2014 by Prof. Dr. Klaus Wellershoff and CEO Patrick Müller. The initial idea was to enable significantly better results for clients by providing independent advice on the selection and monitoring of banks and asset managers. Over the past 10 years, this has evolved into the leading wealth office platform, which is changing the rules in the industry in favor of clients and is shaking up the sluggish wealth management market with its growth.
The Wealth Office - success thanks to a reversal of the balance of power
The success is based on the new Wealth Office model, which massively strengthens the client's position in relation to banks and asset managers. "With a wealth office, clients are suddenly in a better position vis-à-vis the bank or asset manager and transparency and competition are created. This changes everything and pays off immensely for clients," says Patrick Müller, explaining the innovative approach.

Wealth Office platform - independent overview and transparency
Over the past 10 years, ZWEI Wealth has built up a comprehensive platform that makes successful wealth offices possible in the first place. This includes a range of innovative new approaches and functionalities for a successful wealth office:
- Goal-based and independent wealth planning
- Tendering platform with over 500 banks and asset managers
- Ratings for asset managers as well as return and cost comparisons
- Consolidated asset overviews
- Transparency portal with background information and comparisons
Over 250 million in added value for customers
The success of the ZWEI Wealth Office model can be quantified in hard facts. In the last 10 years, clients with a Wealth Office have already generated added value of CHF 250 million for themselves. Because the Wealth Office plans independently and keeps a close eye on the banks and asset managers, the client receives better results. This added value is made up of two contributions:
- Better returns: Returns were improved by +67% on average - e.g. 16.7% return instead of 10.0%
- Lower costs: The total fees including the costs for the Wealth Office were reduced by 34% per year
"Customers expect someone who looks after their assets in a credible, neutral and competent manner. The ZWEI Wealth Office fulfills precisely this promise better than any other model," says Klaus Wellershoff, summarizing the formula for success.
Pianist Vincent Corver rounds off the evening with a piano concert organized by Musik Hug
Bigger than some private banks
ZWEI Wealth has hit the nerve of the times. Assets of over 11 billion Swiss francs are now deposited on the Wealth Office platform, ranging from pension portfolios to large family assets. "This volume already outstrips many generation-old private banks and is growing at 30% per year, which is probably the highest rate in the industry," says Patrick Müller, putting the development into context. Today, there are over 60 Wealth Officers in Switzerland and selected international locations.
The next big growth step is imminent
ZWEI Wealth has established itself over the last 10 years and enjoys an excellent reputation in specialist circles and among its clients' network of contacts. However, the Wealth Office concept is still less well known to the general public. This is likely to change soon. ZWEI Wealth intends to massively expand its awareness and presence in Switzerland and the DACH region. "Our journey is only just beginning. Every wealthy person and institution should be empowered with a wealth office to demand and receive only the best from banks and asset managers," says Patrick Müller, summarizing the growth objectives.
The Wealth Office is revolutionizing wealth management and offers excellent growth opportunities for the industry.