Join the wealth office platform as a Provider
Thank you for your interest in the ZWEI platform. Over 3bn CHF of our client's assets are already directly managed by banks or asset managers on our market place.
If you are an asset manager catering to wealthy private clients or institutional clients, have a compelling offering, and are looking to grow your business, you've come to the right place.
Registration and participation are free. If you would like to ensure that your company's USPs and capabilities get the maximum attention from our clients and prospects, you can benefit from our Advanced service offering for a fee.
Register as a new Provider for free...
- Get access to our digital portal
- Input data to get a Provider rating
- Start participating and win business
...or kick-start as an Advanced Provider
- Dedicated Key Account Manager for support
- Present your company live & on the platform
- Attend events and showcase your capabilities
- Regular detailed feedback reports
- Increase views and chances to win tenders
The ZWEI Wealth Provider Rating assesses...
- ...whether your business model is proven over time
- ...what level of specialization you offer
- ...what your ownership structure is
- ...whether you have the necessary licenses
- your service quality rates
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