ZWEI Wealth Blog

Investing in Switzerland: The most important facts at a glance

Written by ZWEI Wealth | Jun 25, 2024 1:34:17 PM

Investing is a key issue for many people, and especially in Switzerland, which is known for its financial stability and expertise, there are some points that should be considered. Here are the key considerations for anyone looking to invest in Switzerland:


Choosing the right investment strategy

Before you even start investing your money, you should define your financial goals, risk appetite and time horizon. Based on this, you can choose the most suitable investment strategy.


Rely on proven forms of investment

It may be tempting to jump into the latest "hot" investment, but consistency and a clear plan are often the keys to long-term investment success.


Enjoy bank products with caution

Not all products offered by banks are in the best interests of the investor. They often come with high fees or do not deliver the expected returns.


Invest sustainably

Sustainable investments are not only good for the environment and society, but can also be financially lucrative. More and more investors are recognizing the value of investments that take ethical, social and ecological criteria into account.


Keep an eye on fees

High fees can significantly reduce returns. It is important to keep an eye on all costs and avoid investment products with disproportionately high fees.


Keep liquidity in balance

While it is important to keep liquidity on hand for emergencies, you should not leave too much money uninvested. Inflation can significantly reduce the value of money in a savings account.


Invest cost-effectively with ETFs

Exchange traded funds (ETFs) are a popular and inexpensive way to invest in broad market indices. They offer diversification and often lower fees than traditional funds.


Seek independent advice

Advice without conflicts of interest is worth its weight in gold. Make sure your advisor is not influenced by commissions or other incentives that are not in your best interest.



Investing in Switzerland offers numerous opportunities, but requires careful planning and conscious decisions. From choosing the right investment strategy and understanding fee structures to considering sustainability and seeking independent advice, there are many aspects to consider. A well-informed and thoughtful approach will not only help you avoid potential pitfalls, but also get the most out of your investments in Switzerland. It's worth putting time and effort into this process to ensure your money works hard for you.



ZWEI Wealth - the first wealth office in Switzerland

In a world characterized by financial issues and uncertainty, the Zwei Wealth office provides clarity and support. With extensive expertise and a holistic approach, we enable you to embark on your financial future with confidence. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or would like a personal consultation.